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Ramadan Muraqbah Meditation

  • Muslim Space Zoom Room (map)

The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said: “Stand, O Bilal, and comfort us with the prayer.”

In Arabic “muraqbah” means a quality or state of perception or awareness of things. Specifically, it is a mental state that is achieved by focusing consciousness at a particular moment, accompanied by full recognition of the physical sensations and acceptance of thoughts and feelings."

We invite you to join this guided practice of muraqbah and contemplations on  prayer Salah and exploring the essence of elevating the level of worship we need to transcend the superficiality of worship, lifting it from its mere form of five daily movements to its deeper meaning. 

Each act of worship, whether it’s different positions and movement of salah , contemplation of the Quran or following the teachings of the Prophet, holds a central idea beyond mere rulings, beyond mere symbolism, beyond mere indications, beyond mere references embedded within it. Every act of worship reveals a system of concepts and symbols. 

Bring your prayer rug, find your favorite quiet spot in your house and join us in this guided muraqbah in a collective attempt to elevate our Salah from passive practice to an active one.

Sessions meet on Zoom each weekend (Saturday or Sunday) in Ramadan at 2:00pm CST.

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